Sunday, December 28, 2008

More excuses! <.<

Typing this quickly in an internet cafe in Munich, waiting for a sleeper train to Paris, then on to Bayeux to see the William and Harold tapestry. I have wanted to see it ever since I was 11, and overdosed on History of Britain. (Who could blame me, really? Simon Schama is awesome. What d'you mean, you've never heard of him?!)

Anyway, the main purpose of this update is to let you know (if you're still battling on, trying to follow this convoluted and much-neglected blog)... that I'm going to be offline for a fortnight at the very least, with no chance of updating here. Still, the balance is that I'll be in Brittany (rural France), and spending a week of downtime. I'm hoping to use this time to catch up with all the writing I have missed or only taken notes for. That's a big chunk that covers the south of England, Amsterdam, Norway, and then Berlin and Prague.

So I'll be even more silent for a while... but then I'll swamp this blog with updated posts. Be warned... and be well!


Rene said...

Tsk tsk tsk ... I told you the interwebs would be hard to find *grin*
Enjoy the downtime! :-)

musicalemotion said...

*snuggles forgivingly* <3amys

Christof said...

Well I don't know what to say about it!

But my word verification is ruciest which is superlative enough.

Could you send some cold air down our way please? Love, Martin

Cami said...

Would you call it fair if I don't read every entry when it comes time for the deluge? ;]
