Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Manchester Evening

The excursion this afternoon proved a lot of fun. The parents and I caught a tram across Manchester to visit the Lowry Gallery. Frank Lowry was a quiet sort of guy who painted English industrial landscapes and street scenes all through the first half of the 20th century. I've had a print of "The Village Square" hanging outside my bedroom door ever since I was small, and hadn't ever regarded it particularly highly.

"He's got the colours all wrong", I always thought - "you don't ever see colours as washed-out as those, not even in the city.

Well, you don't get them in Australian cities, no. But now I have seen Manchester, where he lived and painted, I realise Lowry really WAS painting his subjects accurately. And I suddenly have a much higher appreciation for his artworks. He seems to have been one of these artists who could paint realistically if he really wanted to, but chose the subversive option instead, and kept right on doing his quirky little caricatures of people on the street.

Mum and I came back by way of Manchester Art Gallery, and saw a wonderful exhibition full of Holman Hunt's paintings and drawings. I have been a Pre-Raphaelite fangirl ever since I discovered the movement, and to see some of the originals face-to-face was incredible. You can't make out the details of his brushstrokes in a print! I am in awe all over again. :)

Now I'm fending off sleep until a reasonable hour - trying not to let jet-lag get the better of me.


Rene said...

There's truth to the stereotype that it always rains in England *grin*

Eljen said...

Indeed. At the moment I'm just delighted by it, though. *Chuckles*...

musicalemotion said...

Galleries! *envies*

*snuggles also* <3

musicalemotion said...

Oh, and speaking of galleries...

There's a bunch of galleries around where I live, and I've never actually been to most of them. We've got some exploring to do, my love...

Christof said...

Manchester's reputation is so... ahem... there's a lot of growth potential for Manchester's reputation. I've never thought of it as an art-destination, but you've definitely piqued my interest!

sourbl is my word verification, but it also describes the whole 8 years of George W Bush's administration. Thinking of you!

Denise said...

Oh what a wonderful experience for you to gain fresh insight into another artist's perspective. *nod* I am glad you're enjoying yourself...

...and to springboard off of Martin's word verification, interestingly I have one that seems to play off of his Dubya Admin years quite nicely: sibrott... *laughing*

DarkerNights said...

sweet stuff there. :D

Caitlin Boulter said...

@musicalemotion: do you go there and inform the curators of the difference between certain types of fluourescent tubing as well?

Bahhhhh I wish I was in England... Oh to be in England now that, er, November's here? GO TO YORK. It's lovely. GO THERE. GO. Seriously, you want museums? GO THERE. You'd love it. I can give you further advice if you agree. I've recently become quite good at travel advice, ask Grace Murray!